Families and their unique young learners recently embarked on an exciting venture at the St. Andrew’s Mission School (SAMS) – Primary 1 Orientation 2024, marking the beginning of a journey filled with discovery, learning, and camaraderie. The orientation aimed to familiarize families with the school environment, facilities, and the myriad ways their beloved children can flourish at SAMS.
Introduction to the School’s Routines
The Primary 1 orientation commenced with an engaging online assembly video conference, connecting students with their respective classes. This virtual introduction will unfold over two weeks, gradually acquainting our new students with the school routine and instilling a sense of belonging from the start.
Fun, Games, and Bonding
The Primary 1 students delved into a day of excitement, led by our dedicated teaching staff. From bouncing on trampolines to navigating fun obstacle courses and participating in interactive games within classrooms and the school playground, it was a day brimming with fun, exploration, and the forging of new friendships.
While our students were engaged in exciting activities, parents gathered at the SAMS Auditorium for a warm welcome briefing by the Principal. During the session, allied professionals, including a speech and language therapist ans well as an occupational therapist, shared insights on supporting children with autism together with the school. During lunch, families also accompanied their young brilliant learners at the canteen for a bonding time and to support them to ease into the school setting.
Empowering through Technology & Engagement
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) coordinator introduced our internal parent engagement platform, offering insights into the supportive ways we involve parents in their child’s educational journey at SAMS. The Head of English also shared valuable reading skill techniques to enhance parent-child engagement.